Monday, December 3, 2012

Reality is Calling

History repeats itself. The Old Testament alone is filled with examples of repeated bondage, repentance, redemption, ingratitude, a turning away from God, judgment, and back to bondage. Over, and over, and over in our worlds history, this pattern is repeated. Yet people naively believe that because yesterday was fine, and today was fine, that tomorrow will be fine as well. This belief is a failure to understand the lessons of history.

If you ever visit the Holocaust museum, there is a room where you can see all the newspapers that printed headlines merely alluding to the genocide of the Jews that was occurring overseas. When you put all of the headlines together, it becomes obvious that we knew what was happening. We had to know. There was no way for us not to know.

Immediately following Germanys defeat in WWII, those Germans who lived near the camp at Buchenwald were taken on a tour of the facilities. Upon arrival, they were upbeat and smiling. Perhaps some thought of it as just an outing in the country to view some innocuous army building. They were in for a horrifying surprise. When they left, their faces were contorted. Some were sobbing like children. The thoughts must have gone through their heads, How could this Evil have been happening in our own backyard? How were we so deaf to the screams, so blind to reality?

The warning signs of that reality were everywhere. People chose not to hear it or see it. Not until they faced the grim consequences of their actions or inactions were they able to comprehend what Evil had been at work, and they were grieved by it.

Since the election, I have heard a constant stream of Chill out. Things wont be that bad. Dont be such a fear-monger. It doesnt matter who is President because Jesus is King. While I understand the sentiment behind these well-meaning statements, I cannot help but find them to be wildly inappropriate.

The warning signs are everywhere. We are headed down a dark path that has never ended well for any nation, regardless of how prominent they were in the world. People can choose not to hear it or see it. Elections have consequences. Choices have consequences, whether those choices are made through action or inaction. Evil is at work, and the proper response is to be grieved by it.

God is grieved when I sin. His response is no different when a nation turns its back on Him. He prospers us. We become greedy. He gives us freedom. We abuse it. He gives us power. We think ourselves invincible. He blesses us more than any people in the history of the world. We give ourselves the credit.

This is reality. This is not fear mongering.

However, not all is lost yet.

If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.2 Chronicles 7:14

Just as the lessons of history are constant, God remains the same. My hope, my trust, my faith are in Him. That is why I can grieve over the darkness and not be consumed by fear and worry. That is why I can rest in the comfort that no matter how bad things might become, my life is in His hands.

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.John 16:33

This is reality. Reality is calling. Will you answer?

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